We have a white Christmas! Ok, so it's mostly blowing around and not sticking to the ground, but it's snowing on Christmas day on the mountain nonetheless :) Yay!! (If you click on the image below, you get a better sense of the snow falling):
The wind is howling and gusting - very cool, though some people have already lost power. We're crossing our fingers that no trees come down near us and get caught on a wire! Or hit the house (though Sean assures me this is highly unlikely).We're home for a while to nap (Sean) and make cranberry sauce (me). That's the great thing about being so close to my in-laws - we can pop back and forth. No big deal and the cats never get too lonely!Off to do that cranberry sauce now - Merry Christmas, everyone :)Teresa
Thought I'd better pop by and post Christmas wishes for all. Things here have been crazy busy and now, to top it all off, I have a cold. It's still at the nasty sore throat stage. Yuck. Am hoping that ends soon.But I won't let it ruin my Christmas :) This evening we're celebrating Wigilia here with the family and tomorrow we'll do a traditional English style Christmas at my in-laws. Our niece and baby nephew will be with us for both, which is fantastic! Having children around at Christmas really does add a certain something to the festive season.And now, as I still have a few things left to do and am moving more slowly because of my sore throat and achy limbs, I'd best sign off here and get going.Happy Christmas!Teresa
Due to our crazy kitten, Cleo, we can't have an indoor Christmas tree. So we decided to put one out on the deck.But first, here are some photos taken just over a week ago, during a heavy snowfall (the snow all melted the following day):
Last Sunday, during a much lighter snowfall, we set out in search of a tree on the property. Instead of just one, we found two growing side by side and as that area needs thinning anyway, Sean cut them both:and dragged them home:Once there, he strapped them together and put the lights on, then left the rest for me to decorate:You can just see me in behind, hanging more ornaments:It was frosty on Monday morning, so the tree looked really cool:Christmas madness is pretty much my life right now, but I hope once all my packages and cards are in the mail, that I'll get a little more writing done. How's everyone else doing, juggling writing and holiday prep?Teresa