Yep, it happened again. I was singing along to The Trouble With Love and one of my stories (the contemp, set here on the West Coast) immediately came into my mind. As I listened to the words, I knew they were perfect for my hero and just let the ideas flow, not trying to force them. The plot has been stalled for a while and I think part of the problem is I keep trying to MAKE things happen, rather than allowing the story to tell itself.
So anyway, I'm singing along, and the idea came to me! Even ties into the conflict and everything :) I didn't have any paper handy, but was close enough to the end of my workout that I didn't lose my train of thought. As soon as I was done, I hopped off and walked the three steps to the notepad (yep, so near and yet so far) and jotted down the idea before it slipped through my brain.
Don't you just LOVE when inspiration strikes and a plot element is revealed?!
Currently Reading: Keeping the World Away by Margaret Forster
Link of the Day: - fantastic photos of here on the Coast
My ramblings about writing, reviewing fiction and whatever else comes to mind.
Friday, February 27, 2009
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Anne Sullivan Macy: Miracle Worker
She was one of my childhood heroines. Very cool to see this exhibit about her, brought to my attention by the weekly newsletter of the Librarians' Internet Index:
Anne Sullivan Macy: Miracle Worker
Anne Sullivan Macy: Miracle Worker
Monday, February 23, 2009
YouTube - Louis Armstrong - What A Wonderful World
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Words and attitudes...
Back to writing topics. I'm judging a contest right now and am just so appalled by the number of out of period words and attitudes I've encountered in one of the entries. It just floors me that a writer could not even consider that possibly using very modern-sounding language will pull the reader right out of the story. The modern attitudes are a little more understandable, I guess, as some readers don't mind them at all, while others (ok, me) find them really annoying.
Am I just being overly picky? Do out of place/time words bother you? I'm not saying we should try to reproduce the language of the period, only avoid those that really just don't belong. It's not like it's hard to find out - there are so many good sources out there, starting with, and continuing with Webster's Collegiate Dictionary (9th and 10th editions, IIRC), the Complete Oxford English Dictionary - available in the reference sections in many libraries and online through many libraries as well, as well as William Brohaugh's English Through the Ages.
Ok - rant over.
In other news, I worked extra shifts last week, got a tad frustrated with the demo software in one of my courses and had a fantastic weekend with Sean, including a night out at a local pub, watching a friend of ours and his band play. Another busy week coming up :)
And last, but not least, I was thrilled to note all the new growth on many of the perenials in my front bed! It's so cool to see things growing in February (with apologies to my family/friends in the Central and Eastern Canada) - even our little arbutus is showing signs of coming back to life (we thought it had died).
So, how has your life been lately?
Currently Reading: Keeping the World Away by Margaret Forster
Link of the Day: Everything You Know About English is Wrong
Am I just being overly picky? Do out of place/time words bother you? I'm not saying we should try to reproduce the language of the period, only avoid those that really just don't belong. It's not like it's hard to find out - there are so many good sources out there, starting with, and continuing with Webster's Collegiate Dictionary (9th and 10th editions, IIRC), the Complete Oxford English Dictionary - available in the reference sections in many libraries and online through many libraries as well, as well as William Brohaugh's English Through the Ages.
Ok - rant over.
In other news, I worked extra shifts last week, got a tad frustrated with the demo software in one of my courses and had a fantastic weekend with Sean, including a night out at a local pub, watching a friend of ours and his band play. Another busy week coming up :)
And last, but not least, I was thrilled to note all the new growth on many of the perenials in my front bed! It's so cool to see things growing in February (with apologies to my family/friends in the Central and Eastern Canada) - even our little arbutus is showing signs of coming back to life (we thought it had died).
So, how has your life been lately?
Currently Reading: Keeping the World Away by Margaret Forster
Link of the Day: Everything You Know About English is Wrong
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Weekly check-in
This past week has been jam-packed. I worked Monday and Tuesday, spent Tuesday evening to Thursday afternoon with my close friend Laura, who was visiting from Ottawa (she's a travel writer and had been at a conference here on the Coast), then Thursday evening and Friday catching up on school work. Sean and I spent the weekend together, including having a lovely Valentine's celebration and going for a long walk this afternoon.
I took some cool pics while out and about with Laura on Wednesday:

Tomorrow, Sean and I will celebrate 21 years together. You can see the video I put together last year for our 18th wedding anniversary (click on View HQ video).
How about you? Did you have a good week?
Currently Reading: The Glass of Time by Michael Cox
Link of the Day: La Vida Local
I took some cool pics while out and about with Laura on Wednesday:
Tomorrow, Sean and I will celebrate 21 years together. You can see the video I put together last year for our 18th wedding anniversary (click on View HQ video).
How about you? Did you have a good week?
Currently Reading: The Glass of Time by Michael Cox
Link of the Day: La Vida Local
Sunday, February 08, 2009
And another week has zipped by...
One which saw me tied to the computer working on a major school assigment (a really cool one, so no complaints) or at the library, working.
No real time this week for the ms. Somehow I HAVE to find a way to work in more time for it. It's getting quite frustrating. But I know I can't expect to perfect a system only six weeks into school, so I'm trying not to get too stressed about it.
My assignment required me to make an inventory of all the "records" I know of, relating to me and my life and recording their location. It was quite a task, given that I have a family archive as well as a personal one. And I'm rather a pack rat, so my personal one is quite extensive. But it's also incredibly valuable exercise to undertake.
And I just realized that in many ways it's helpful to my writing, in that by putting down in black and white a record of my life, I can apply a similar technique when getting to know my characters. IOW, create a fictional life record for them.
It's so cool when my two worlds inform each other :)
How about you - are you a pack rat? Or do you travel light? (so to speak)
Currently Reading: The Glass of Time by Michael Cox
Link of the Day: Heritage Preservation Starter Kit from
No real time this week for the ms. Somehow I HAVE to find a way to work in more time for it. It's getting quite frustrating. But I know I can't expect to perfect a system only six weeks into school, so I'm trying not to get too stressed about it.
My assignment required me to make an inventory of all the "records" I know of, relating to me and my life and recording their location. It was quite a task, given that I have a family archive as well as a personal one. And I'm rather a pack rat, so my personal one is quite extensive. But it's also incredibly valuable exercise to undertake.
And I just realized that in many ways it's helpful to my writing, in that by putting down in black and white a record of my life, I can apply a similar technique when getting to know my characters. IOW, create a fictional life record for them.
It's so cool when my two worlds inform each other :)
How about you - are you a pack rat? Or do you travel light? (so to speak)
Currently Reading: The Glass of Time by Michael Cox
Link of the Day: Heritage Preservation Starter Kit from
family history,
library studies,
pack rat,
Sunday, February 01, 2009
my blog, that is :) Do you like the new theme?
Hope everyone's week went well. I was battling an ear infection, but am better now since getting drops from the doctor the other day.
We were also lucky enough to skate on our little pond again - even went out one evening with head lamps on. Lots of fun.
Much of my week went into school work again - I had a big assignment due for one of my courses, as well as a smaller one (for the same course). Plus two shifts at the library. I'm definitely feeling really comfortable there now and started my extra duties this week, which was kinda cool. I have three shifts this week, including a full day Saturday.
Not much else to report right now. Here's a cool pic I took a week ago:

Back again soon :)
Currently Reading: The Black Tower by Louis Bayard
Link of the Day: Library School Days - my Library Tech blog
Hope everyone's week went well. I was battling an ear infection, but am better now since getting drops from the doctor the other day.
We were also lucky enough to skate on our little pond again - even went out one evening with head lamps on. Lots of fun.
Much of my week went into school work again - I had a big assignment due for one of my courses, as well as a smaller one (for the same course). Plus two shifts at the library. I'm definitely feeling really comfortable there now and started my extra duties this week, which was kinda cool. I have three shifts this week, including a full day Saturday.
Not much else to report right now. Here's a cool pic I took a week ago:
Back again soon :)
Currently Reading: The Black Tower by Louis Bayard
Link of the Day: Library School Days - my Library Tech blog
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