Sunday, July 17, 2011

Midsummer update...

Well, not that it's actually summer here *g*.

Anyways, I figured it was time to take a deep breath and raise my head from the school work to drop by and update this blog.

Starting in January I've been nose to the grindstone at school. In spring term I took three courses and since May I've been doing a course on Business in Canada (a required support course for my diploma). As in-depth financial analysis etc isn't exactly my forte, I've been having to slog through a lot of stuff that makes my head ache and my eyes very tired. Also in May, I did a 10 day library practicum at the Sechelt Library, on top of my regular 2 day/week shift...made for some busy weeks going 6 days!

Other than that, we've put in a veggie garden, Sean has built a ramp from the lawn to the deck, and we're looking forward to a big family week in early August when both our families will be out here at the same time :) I'm sure my camera will get quite a workout. A camping trip is also in the offing - we'll be off-the-grid at Lightning Lake in Manning Park for three days...should be fun, as the scenery is gorgeous and there is lots of hiking and biking in the area.

Come September I'll start my second-to-last term at's hard to believe I'm so close to being finished!! It hasn't been easy, but OTOH, I've learned a lot and combined with my experience working at the Sechelt Library, I feel like I've finally found my career (well, the one more likely to earn me decent money...not sure my writing will ever do that!)

Speaking of my writing, I'm still plugging away as I have time, editing What the Heart Remembers and brainstorming on my three Works in Progress. I do miss being able to write as much as I did before, but I think all the time I've spent in school will make me a better writer and I'll certainly appreciate the time I do have to write once my diploma is finished. It will seem strange to combine p/t work and writing again :)

Finally, Chloe and Cleo are still as sweet as ever, loving life and finding new and inventive ways to have fun.

Hope you enjoyed this update :)


1 comment:

Unknown said...

This is plainly amazing.. I could use some posts like this one. Thanks!