Saturday, July 14, 2007

Back on high speed full time...

or so it appears. Sean figured out what was wrong and fixed it, as he's generally able to do with most things :) We had some excitement yesterday and Sean took some great pics:

So, what's going on, you ask? Well, there was a brush fire not too far from us on Friday afternoon and the lake nearby was chosen as a source of water. The helicopter made 10 to 12 visits, scooping water up in its bucket. Pretty cool, huh? The fire was under control very quickly, no harm done.


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1 comment:

Irish Mademoiselle said...

Hi! I see on one of your post you were reading the Jane Austen book club! Did you like it? I began it last summer and never finished it but I'm going to get on it this week! I LOVE Jane Austen!