Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Off to the library....
to use the OED. Means going half-way across town, but none of my local branches have the complete set. So it's the reference section for me! It's a rainy day here, so at least there's no temptation to get outside in the garden. So once I've finished my latte, I'm off.

I made some decent progress yesterday, so hopefully I'll manage to finish checking the words today. Have to stop by the office to take my sweetie a lunch - he forgot to take one with him and as the rain isn't too pleasant, I figured I'd make him a sandwich rather than force him to walk to the Tim Horton's. (I wish my blog had sound - older nephew Liam says the word Horton in the cutest way - in his half-Arizona/half-Canuck accent).

C Schaal - thanks for your comment :-) I know what you mean. And LOL re the limited vocab of a cat!


1 comment:

Lynn said...

Have fun at the library, and WOO HOO on your progress!