Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Another busy day...

but I've started off well, having already emailed out those interview questions. So I can tick at least one thing off my list. Two, in fact, as I've already printed out a cheque the company needed to pay and it's now in an envelope, addressed and waiting for a stamp. So really, I'm moving along pretty quickly here, especially considering I was awake for almost two hours during the night.

A friend of mine called yesterday and we chatted about the end of WTHR and she agreed with me on the minor change I want to make. And as she did one of the most in-depth critiques of it, I trust her judgement. So once I'm done with today's errands, I'm going to tweak those final two scenes to reflect the change. It's so great to have a good friend and fellow writer to hash these things out with :-)

I'm also working on that query letter and have narrowed down my list of target agents.

As for my contemporary idea, I'm playing with another couple of ideas for my heroine and where she ends up and what she does. Don't want to talk about it too much right now, though. Still, it's been a fascinating process, working with someone from the current day.

But what I really want to do is get back to Henri and Madeleine's story. I'm hoping my story percolator has kept on working while I've had them on the back burner and that I'll find lots of new stuff waiting for me when I rejoin them.

So that's my report for today. It's a sad day too, marking as it does, one year since our beloved cat George crossed the Rainbow Bridge.


Link of the day: Canadian Branch of the Richard III Society

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