Monday, June 20, 2005

Responding to comments

Lynn - it had been at least 10 years since I bowled. My dad used to bowl all the time, though. He even had trophies! We thought they were neat as kids. You might want to give it a whirl with your dh!
As for filing cabinets, yes, I am a lucky woman. My dh does treat me well :-)

Silma - I'd never heard of Cosmic bowling either, but it was really cool. They added the effects gradually, which made it even cooler!

Teresa - Yes, claim one of those filing cabinets!!

Of course, I'm still trying to get my stuff organized. *vbg*

Teresa (wishing she could figure out how to use smilies with w.bloggar)

1 comment:

Silma said...

Cosmic bowling still sounds like something coming out of a Grateful Dead concert. *lol*