Spent much of yesterday afternoon reading through Chapters 1-5 of First Draft in 30 Days, but Karen Wiesner. Wow, is all I can say. So far I've found it really interesting and I'm even more eager now to start a new ms so I can try it out. BUT, I must finish editing my current one first *sigh*. So I'm looking forward to getting to Chapter 8 which covers applying the method to a complete or stalled ms. I read Ch 6 during commercials last night while in front of the TV. Just couldn't stay away from it.
Also spent some time creating new templates in WriteWayPro, based on the worksheets in the book. This will make it easier when I start the new ms to do a formatted outline, as I'll be able to use this book as the template for my new one (those of you who use WWP will understand what I mean). I'm thinking that between this method and the software, I'll be far more productive.
So far what has impressed me the most about the book is the emphasis by the author on the fact this is a method that can be adapted to an individual writer's needs. NOTHING is set in stone. She's giving you tools to work with, not a set of iron-clad rules on how to write a first draft. Its very flexibility is what makes it so appealing. I can see myself using it and making it work.
Granted, it also appears that I'm already doing some of what the author recommends - our writing processes are already similar. But I definitely need focus and direction at times and I'm hoping the ideas, tips, techniques and worksheets presented will help me with that.
I'll keep reporting back here as I continue my work with FDi30D. But for now, I'd best get on with that synopsis!
Thanks again Lynn for mentioning FDi30D and directing me to Karen's website!!!
You're welcome!
I'm glad you're finding the same possibilities with this book that I am. Like I mentioned in my blog, I tried applying chapter 8 to my stalled ms, but it stayed stalled. However, when I went back to the beginning and started working it like a new project, things really started truckin' along.
Have you thought about reprinting this review over at Amazon.com?
Good luck with the synopsis! They're always a trial. Are you writing it before you start? I've just written the first one that I've actually done before writing the story. It was relatively easy to write because I know what my story's about (for once!) Don't know if it's an effective, proper sort of synopsis, but it works for me!
Lynn - I might to do at least some of the steps with my completed ms. It's not stalled, just needs some plot points clarified. Can see how the method will apply :-) Glad yours started working again once you started from the beginning.
Re: Amazon. I'll see if they'll let me do it without giving my credit card info. Want to give Karen all the support I can on this book :-)
I'm revising the synopsis for about the 10th time *g*. And only minor revisions at this point (thank goodness). But yes, I generally try to write the synopsis BEFORE I start the book. With my first ms, I didn't even know about synopses *vbg* and had to write it once the book was done. Very tricky. I thought it would be easier than it was - how naive!!
And if your synopsis works for you for right now, no reason to change it - at least until you start submitting to an editor. Then it may need rejigging.
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